Shih Tzu Food To Avoid: A Comprehensive Guide on What Not to Feed Your Shih Tzu

As a Shih Tzu owner, I know how crucial it is to understand the importance of feeding the right food to my four Shih Tzus. Not only does it affect their health and well-being, but it also impacts their happiness and quality of life. It’s essential to be aware of the foods that are harmful to Shih Tzus and should be avoided at all costs.

Some foods that are safe for humans can be highly toxic and dangerous for Shih Tzus. These include macadamia nuts, onions, and garlic, which can affect the dog’s blood cells, leading to health problems like anemia and kidney failure. Other foods like chocolate, grapes, raisins, and avocados are poisonous to dogs and can cause severe stomach problems.

java plum on white bowl
Don’t let your dog eat grapes or pits

Food items like bread dough, raw eggs, and raw meat can also harm your Shih Tzu. Raw yeast in bread dough can lead to blockages in your dog’s digestive system, while raw eggs can contain harmful bacteria and affect their skin and coat. Similarly, too many nuts can upset your dog’s stomach, leading to loose stools.

Feeding your Shih Tzu a regular diet that includes processed snacks, processed meat products, and food items with artificial colors can lead to liver failure and other health issues. It’s important to feed them healthy treats and snacks that are part of a grain-free diet, rich in essential amino acids, omega-3, and omega-6, and are a good source of protein.

Understanding the Importance of Your Shih Tzu’s Diet

Just like us humans, our Shih Tzus need a balanced diet to function properly. Their bodies require specific amounts of macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. These nutrients not only provide energy but also play a crucial role in building and maintaining muscles and keeping their skin and coat healthy.

Not all dog food is created equal. As a responsible Shih Tzu owner, it’s important to choose high-quality food that lists human-grade ingredients and is rich in meat meal. This ensures that our dogs get the right amount of omega 3 and 6, which are crucial for their health, particularly as the dog gets older and faces more health problems.

Why Your Shih Tzu’s Food Is Important

The importance of your Shih Tzu’s food cannot be overstated. It not only affects their physical health and vitality but also impacts their mental well-being. Providing a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals helps in maintaining healthy nerves and muscles and aids in fighting off diseases.

It’s important to understand that every dog breed has different dietary needs. Your Shih Tzu’s diet should be catered to its specific needs to keep your Shih Tzu healthy. This includes selecting a high-quality food that is free from harmful ingredients and is fortified with essential nutrients to support their overall health.

brown pug with yellow and red scarf
What can dogs not eat – choose a better treat than fries

Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make When Feeding Their Dogs

As the proud parent of four Shih Tzus, I know all too well that keeping your dog’s diet in check is essential for their health. A common mistake I have seen others make, and even made myself before understanding the importance of a proper diet for your Shih Tzu, is feeding them like a human. We love our pets and want to include them in our daily activities, but feeding your dog table scraps or sharing your food with them can lead to stomach problems in the long run. The food for your Shih Tzu needs to be specially formulated for dog breeds, not humans.

Overfeeding is another mistake that dog owners often make. Excessive weight gain can lead to health issues in adult dogs, especially older dogs. Bony areas should be easily felt and excess fat should not be visible on your Shih Tzu’s body. It’s also important to understand the food label to ensure you’re not giving your pet more than the recommended daily intake. Remember, the key to a Shih Tzu’s health is a balanced diet.

Dangerous Foods for Shih Tzus: A Checklist

Shih Tzus, like most dogs, have a tendency to eat whatever they find. While this might seem harmless, there are certain foods that are not safe for dogs and can be extremely toxic for Shih Tzus even in small amounts. It’s crucial to know what these foods are to keep your pet safe.

Alcohol and Coffee

Alcohol and coffee are two substances that should never be included in the diet for your Shih Tzu. Ingesting these can lead to serious health problems such as altered breathing, vomiting, abnormal blood acidity, and even coma in severe cases. Small dogs are particularly vulnerable due to their size, and it takes a lesser amount to damage a dog’s liver and brain.

Even if your Shih Tzu seems to be okay after consuming alcohol or coffee, it’s important to take them to the vet immediately. The effects may not be immediate and could cause problems down the line. Your vigilant attention to their diet can make all the difference to your Shih Tzu’s health.

Chocolates and Artificial Sweeteners

Chocolates and artificial sweeteners, particularly Xylitol, are another set of dangerous foods that no Shih Tzu can eat. Xylitol is found in many everyday items like toothpaste, mouthwash, sugar-free candy, and even some baked goods. This substance is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause a significant drop in a small dog’s blood sugar levels, possibly leading to liver damage and other serious health problems.

While chocolate might seem like a harmless treat, it is actually much more toxic for dogs than for humans. Even a small amount can be harmful to your Shih Tzu. It’s essential to keep these items out of reach of your pets and to be aware of what you’re feeding your dog to ensure their well-being.

Citrus Fruits and Prunes

We have four Shih Tzus, and their well-being is incredibly important to us. We’ve learned that while some human foods are fine for them, others can be harmful. For instance, citrus fruits and prunes are to be avoided. Generally, Shih Tzu dogs do not eat citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. None of our Shih Tzus have any interest in citrus fruits. This is mainly because citrus fruits have a sour taste that dogs generally do not prefer. Moreover, these fruits do not add much nutritional value to a Shih Tzu’s diet.

Also, citrus fruits are common ingredients in certain human foods, such as hummus. Although dogs can eat hummus, it can be toxic for them if it contains citrus fruits, excessive salt, onion, or certain spices. It’s crucial to be aware of these details to ensure the safety and health of our beloved Shih Tzus.

Grapes and Raisins

Another group of foods that are toxic to dogs, including Shih Tzus, are grapes and raisins. These fruits contain an unknown substance that is harmful to dogs and can cause severe damage to their kidneys, potentially leading to renal failure. The toxic effects of these fruits on dogs are severe and can be life-threatening.

With our Shih Tzus, we have to be extra careful. Even a small amount of these fruits can cause serious health problems. Therefore, we ensure that these fruits are kept out of reach from our dogs, and they are not included in any meals or treats.

Macadamia Nuts and Mustard Seeds

Macadamia nuts are another food that Shih Tzu owners should avoid feeding their dogs. These nuts contain a substance that is toxic to dogs and can adversely affect their nervous system. Symptoms of ingesting macadamia nuts can include muscle spasms, lack of coordination, or even collapse.  Luckily we are not fans of these nuts and do notpurchase them, so they will never come near our Shih Tzus.

Mustard seeds are also not safe for Shih Tzus. While not as well-known as the dangers of macadamia nuts, mustard seeds pose a risk to dogs and should be avoided in their diet. As responsible pet owners, the health of our Shih Tzus is our top priority, and we make sure to avoid these dangerous foods.

Onions, Garlic and Leek

Onions, garlic, and leek belong to the Allium family and are harmful food for Shih Tzus. These foods can cause anemia in dogs by damaging their red blood cells. Whether these foods are boiled, cooked, or raw, they should never be part of a Shih Tzu’s diet.

green and white onion on brown wooden table
Onions – good for people … but not for your dog

Symptoms of poisoning from these foods may not appear immediately and can take a few days to manifest. This makes it even more critical to avoid these foods and ensure the safety and well-being of our four Shih Tzus. We always take care to keep these foods out of their reach and out of their meals, and make sure no stray pieces fall to the floor as we prepare meals.

Avocado and Coconut Oil

As a Shih Tzu owner, it’s vital to be aware of the food items that may cause harm to our pets. With four Shih Tzus in our home, we’ve learned that their health is directly linked to their diet, so we’re very cautious about what they eat. For instance, avocados are considered a superfood for us humans, but they are harmful to Shih Tzus. They contain a toxin called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

Similarly, while coconut oil is often lauded for its numerous health benefits, it’s not entirely safe for Shih Tzus. Although a small amount of coconut flesh is unlikely to harm your Shih Tzu, both the milk and flesh of a coconut can cause stomach upsets. The high levels of potassium in coconut water can also be detrimental to your pet’s health.

Bagels, Cereal, and Pretzels

Human treats like bagels, cereals, and pretzels should also be avoided. Although dogs can eat these foods, they are not suitable for a Shih Tzu’s sensitive stomach. Bagels are full of salt, which is not good for Shih Tzus. Other toppings like poppy seeds, onion powder, and sesame seeds on bagels can also upset their stomach. Furthermore, these treats may also contain high amounts of sugar, which can cause a significant spike in your Shih Tzu’s blood sugar levels.

Cereals, too, are not recommended, as they often contain high quantities of sugars and artificial flavors. The same goes for pretzels. In addition to the high salt content, pretzels can also cause digestive problems due to their hard texture and the potential for them to get stuck in your pet’s throat or digestive tract.

Cooked Bones and Yeast Dough

While it may seem like a natural choice to feed dogs bones, cooked bones are a serious hazard for Shih Tzus. When bones are cooked, they become brittle and can break apart easily. This poses a risk as small slivers can perforate their internal organs, leading to serious health issues or even fatal consequences.

Why Cooked Bones Are Risky

Cooked bones pose a risk to Shih Tzus and all dogs because of their hardness and brittleness. When dogs chew on cooked bones, the bones can splinter into sharp fragments. These fragments can get lodged in the dog’s throat, causing choking, or they can puncture the stomach or intestines, leading to severe internal injuries.

a brown and white dog eating out of a metal bowl
Feed your Shih Tzu healthy food

Additionally, cooked bones are difficult to digest. Even if the bone doesn’t splinter, it can cause blockages in the digestive system. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid giving your Shih Tzu cooked bones and instead opt for safer alternatives like chew toys or raw bones under supervision.

The Danger of Yeast Dough

As a pet parent to four Shih Tzus, I’ve come to understand the importance of making sound dietary choices for my furry friends. One thing I’ve learned is the potential risk associated with yeast dough. It’s a common ingredient in many baked goods, but it can pose a serious health threat to our pets.

When yeast dough is ingested by a dog, it continues to rise in their stomach. This can cause painful bloating and could potentially lead to life-threatening conditions such as gastric-dilation volvulus. It’s critical to keep any foods or baked goods containing yeast dough out of the reach of your Shih Tzu.

Processed Snacks and Processed Meat Products

As tempting as it might be to share a sliver of salami or a piece of sausage with your Shih Tzu, it’s important to remember that processed meats can be harmful to them. Not only are these foods high in salt and preservatives, but they can also contain ingredients that are toxic to Shih Tzu dogs. It’s best to steer clear of processed snacks and meat products when considering your Shih Tzu’s diet.

The Problem with Processed Foods

Processed foods, while convenient, can be detrimental to the health of our Shih Tzus. They often contain high levels of sodium and preservatives, which can lead to health issues such as obesity and heart disease. Additionally, many dog foods on the market are heavily processed and can lack the essential nutrients that our pets need for a balanced diet.

Another issue with processed foods is the presence of harmful additives. These can cause allergic reactions or digestive issues in our pets. As a responsible pet parent, it’s my priority to ensure that the food I give my Shih Tzus is not only tasty but also nutritious and safe.

Foods Shih Tzu Owners Often Overlook

As Shih Tzu owners, we all want the best for our fur babies. But sometimes, even with the best intentions, we can overlook certain foods that might be harmful to our pets. It’s important to be well-informed about the unique dietary needs of Shih Tzus to avoid making common feeding mistakes. I’ve learned this the hard way, and I can’t stress enough the importance of doing your research to ensure your pup’s diet is safe and balanced.

Cabbage and Soy Beans

As a proud owner of four Shih Tzu dogs, ensuring that they have a safe and healthy diet is a top priority for me. While cabbage and soy beans might seem like harmless, healthy snacks for our furry friends, they can actually trigger food allergies in Shih Tzu dogs. This is especially true for soy beans. Although soy beans are not toxic foods, overfeeding them to a Shih Tzu dog can lead to itchy skin and rashes, common signs of food allergies.

From my experience, it’s best to introduce new foods like soy beans to your Shih Tzu’s diet in small quantities. If you notice any allergic reactions, immediately remove them from your dog’s diet and consult a vet. Remember, the health of our pets should always come first.

Fried Food and Spicy Food

Fried and spicy foods, while delicious to us, can be harmful to our Shih Tzu dogs. The high fat content and lack of nutritional value in foods like fish sticks, potato fries, and onion rings can lead to health problems in Shih Tzus. Not just that, but even meats like pork, beef, and poultry can cause issues if they’re fried. For instance, my Shih Tzu puppy once developed diarrhea and started vomiting after eating a small amount of fried meat.

Spicy foods are also a no-go for Shih Tzus. They can irritate their digestive system, leading to discomfort and potential health concerns. So, it’s best to avoid giving fried or spicy foods to your Shih Tzu to ensure their wellbeing.

Dairy Products and Table Scraps

It might surprise you to learn that many Shih Tzus are lactose intolerant, just like some humans. Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, can make them sick. I found this out the hard way when one of my Shih Tzus had a bout of runny diarrhea after consuming a small quantity of milk. Dogs don’t have the same digestive system as us and can find it hard to break down lactose, leading to digestive issues.

Feeding Shih Tzus table scraps is also not a good idea. Our food often contains ingredients and spices that are not fit for dogs. Plus, it can lead to overfeeding and weight gain, among other health problems. So, it’s best to stick to dog-appropriate foods for your Shih Tzu.

Vegetable Oil and Rice Cakes

While it might seem harmless, feeding your Shih Tzu dog rice cakes and vegetable oil isn’t recommended. Despite being safe, rice cakes have little to no nutritional value for dogs. They’re also rich in carbohydrates, which can lead to unhealthy weight gain in your Shih Tzu dog. I learned this when one of my Shih Tzus started gaining weight after being given rice cakes as treats.

Instead of white rice cakes, giving your dog brown rice is a healthier option. Brown rice is packed with nutrients and is good for your dog’s digestion. As for vegetable oil, it can be high in fat and not suitable for a Shih Tzu’s diet. Always remember, the healthier the food choices we make for our Shih Tzus, the better their overall health and wellness will be.

Poppy Seeds and Spices

As a Shih Tzu owner, I’m always conscious of what I feed my four dogs. I’ve discovered that some of the most seemingly harmless substances, like poppy seeds and certain spices, can actually be toxic foods for our pets. I learned, for instance, that poppy seeds are extremely hazardous for dogs, including Shih Tzus. These tiny seeds can potentially lead to severe health issues, even coma, if ingested in large amounts. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid feeding your Shih Tzu any food items that contain poppy seeds.

When it comes to spices, it’s a mixed bag. Some spices are perfectly safe for Shih Tzus and can even add flavor to their meals. However, others can cause digestive upset or toxic reactions. It’s always best to do your research or consult a vet before adding any new spice to your Shih Tzu’s diet.

Essential Information on Human Foods and Shih Tzus

There’s a common misconception that dogs can eat the same foods that humans eat. While it’s true that some human foods are perfectly safe for dogs, others can lead to serious health issues. For instance, foods with high fat content, such as coconut oil, should be avoided. Despite its health benefits for humans, coconut oil can lead to pancreatitis in dogs, especially if given in large amounts. It’s also essential to avoid foods with artificial sweeteners, as these can be toxic to dogs.

person holding red and yellow rhubarb
Rhubarb great for pies but keep your dog away

There are also certain foods that Shih Tzus can’t eat, regardless of how nutritious they might be for humans. Foods like rhubarb leaves are highly toxic to Shih Tzus and can cause severe health problems. Therefore, it’s crucial to know which human foods are safe for your Shih Tzu and which ones to avoid.

Why Human Foods Can Be Dangerous for Dogs

As a Shih Tzu owner, I know how tempting it can be to give your dog a bite of whatever you’re eating. After all, if it’s safe for us to eat, it should be safe for our dogs too, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Many human foods contain substances that are toxic to dogs. For instance, some foods contain high levels of sodium or artificial sweeteners, both of which can cause serious health issues in dogs.

Additionally, some human foods can cause digestive issues in dogs. Dogs eat differently than humans, and their digestive systems aren’t designed to handle certain types of foods. Feeding your dog the wrong foods can lead to upset stomachs, diarrhea, and even more serious health problems.

The Risk of Feeding Your Dog with Table Scraps

One of the most common mistakes I see dog owners make, myself included, is feeding their dogs table scraps. While it may seem like a harmless gesture, it can actually lead to a number of health issues. For instance, table scraps often contain high levels of fat and sodium, which can lead to excessive weight gain and heart problems in dogs. Additionally, certain foods that are safe for humans can be toxic to dogs, leading to serious health issues.

Feeding your dog table scraps can also disrupt your Shih Tzu’s diet, leading to nutritional imbalances. Dogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy, and feeding them table scraps can throw off that balance. It’s important to remember that the food for your Shih Tzu should be specially designed for their nutritional needs. Instead of table scraps, consider giving your dog treats that are safe for dogs and beneficial to their health.

The Right Food Choices for Your Shih Tzu

As a proud owner of four Shih Tzus, the importance of food safety for our pets is not lost on me. The health and wellbeing of our dogs are largely dependent on the quality of their diet. It is essential to make the right food choices for our Shih Tzus, as their small size and breed-specific needs mandate a specific diet.

Tips on Choosing the Best Dog Food for Your Shih Tzu

Finding the ideal food for your Shih Tzu can be a daunting task given the plethora of options available in the market. However, remember that a balanced diet is paramount for your pet’s health. Always choose high-quality dog food that is free from harmful fillers and additives. Look for food that lists a good source of animal protein as the first ingredient, as it is crucial for your pet’s growth and muscle maintenance.

Additionally, foods rich in dietary fiber such as sweet potatoes can be beneficial for your Shih Tzu. They aid in digestion and help to keep your pet feeling full, which can prevent overeating and weight gain. Finally, always consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your Shih Tzu’s diet.

Wet vs Dry Dog Food: Which Is Best For Your Shih Tzu?

Deciding between wet and dry food for your Shih Tzu puppy can be challenging. Both options have their pros and cons. Wet food is often more palatable and easier for young puppies to eat, but it can be more expensive and less convenient than dry food. On the other hand, dry food is more economical, easier to store, and can help keep your pup’s teeth clean.

However, remember that Shih Tzus need a diet rich in protein and antioxidants. Foods such as poultry, beef, fish, pork, blueberries, chia seeds, raspberries, squash, and carrots can be good for them. Whether you choose to serve these ingredients cooked or raw is entirely up to you and your Shih Tzu. The key is to ensure a balanced diet that meets your pet’s nutritional needs.

Considering Homemade Food For A Shih Tzu

Another option to consider is preparing homemade food for your Shih Tzu. This allows you to control the quality and quantity of the ingredients, ensuring that your pet gets a nutritious and balanced diet. However, creating a homemade dog food diet requires careful planning and preparation. It is essential to include a variety of ingredients to provide all the necessary nutrients. Always consult your veterinarian before switching to a homemade diet to ensure it meets your Shih Tzu’s nutritional needs.

A Guide on Preparing Homemade Food for Your Pet

Preparing homemade food for our four Shih Tzus is a task we take seriously. We know that the food our furry friends consume plays a significant role in their overall health and well-being. When creating meals at home, it’s important to incorporate a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables can also provide essential vitamins and minerals, which are crucial for their health.

However, it’s important to note that not all human food is safe for Shih Tzus. Always avoid foods such as chocolate, onions, garlic, and raisins, which can be toxic to dogs. Also, be mindful of ingredients that might cause liver disease, such as excessive amounts of vitamin A found in meat meal. Always consult with your vet before introducing new foods into your pet’s diet.

We ensure to use only healthy lean meats, vegetables and sometimes small amounts of rice when supplementing homemade dishes for our Shih Tzus. It’s a treat they really enjoy, and more importantly it is healthy.

Concluding Thoughts on Shih Tzu’s Food and Nutrition

Keeping our Shih Tzus healthy and happy is our top priority. A huge part of that involves making sure they’re eating the right foods. It’s not just about avoiding the dangerous foods, but also about providing them with the nutrients they need. A diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and good fats, along with the necessary vitamins and minerals, contributes to a healthy skin and coat, among other benefits.

It’s also worth noting that while homemade food can be a good option, it requires careful planning and consideration. Ensuring that meals are balanced and safe for your Shih Tzu is vital. If in doubt, always consult with a professional to avoid any potential health risks.

Ensuring Your Shih Tzu’s Health: A Recap on Foods to Avoid

As we’ve mentioned before, there are certain foods that Shih Tzus should always avoid. This includes common household items like chocolate, alcohol, and coffee. These can cause serious health problems and even be fatal. Other foods that may not seem as obvious include citrus fruits, macadamia nuts, mustard seeds, and cooked bones. The latter can splinter and cause choking or internal injuries.

Also on the list are yeast dough, processed snacks, and processed meat products. These can lead to liver disease and other health complications. It’s crucial to always read the ingredients of any food items you plan on sharing with your Shih Tzu. When in doubt, it’s best to stick to food specially formulated for Shih Tzus.

Making the Right Food Choices: The Key to Your Shih Tzu’s Wellness

Choosing the right food for your Shih Tzu is more than just avoiding dangerous foods. It’s about finding a diet that supports their overall health and wellness. Consider foods that are specially formulated for Shih Tzus. These options are designed with their unique dietary needs in mind, providing balanced nutrition to support their health.

Food choices can also have a big impact on their immune system. Foods rich in antioxidants, for instance, can help boost the immune system and protect against disease. Finally, remember that every Shih Tzu is unique. What works for one might not work for another. Always consult with your vet to determine the best diet for your Shih Tzu.