You and I are most likely to sneeze from our allergies. But Shih Tzu allergies will usually show as itchy skin or rashes. Sometimes their ears or eyes may also become inflamed.
Unfortunately the Shih Tzu is more prone to allergies than other breeds. Keep reading to find out about the most common Shih Tzu allergies and what you can do to help them.
Itchy Skin
The most common symptom your Shih Tzu will develop from an allergy is itchy skin. The areas usually affected are the underside and belly area, but it can also affect their feet and in skin folds. Your Shih Tzu will tell you they have an allergy by rubbing their face with paws or against items like the carpet or couch. And they may be prone to lick or chew at their itchy feet.
Frequently this relates to a food allergy, but other causes could be something in the air such as dust, pollen or dander.
Itchy or Inflamed Ears
Earwax and hair in the ears are the usual causes here, but allergies can also trigger ear issues.. Symptoms to look for are warm or hot ears, head shaking or scratching, or an odor from the ears. Overgrown or long inner ear hair and earwax buildup can cause this allergy inflammation.. Also watch for mites or fleas in your pet.
Our Shih Tzus have on a few occasions developed itchy and sore ears. We use a homemade organic recipe of purple tincture, rubbing alcohol and boric acid applied to the ears with an eye dropper. Several applications plus some hair tweezing usually takes care of the issue and we have a scratch free dog again. Of course your pet store can also supply an over the counter ear drop for this purpose.
Tweezing of the ears also helps keep the ears clean and comfortable. While we sometimes do this at home, we prefer to have our vet take care of this during visits.
Allergy Treatment for your Shih Tzu
In many cases the Shih Tzu allergy may be diet related. Changing the food may provide relief for your pup. You can consult with your veterinarian for help assessing the cause of the allergy. They can help determine it relates to external factors such as mites, fleas dust or pollen.
According to the American Shih Tzu Club site here are some ways to reduce the allergy symptoms of your Shih Tzu
- Analyze the dog food used and diet to determine if it could be from leaky gut syndrome. That means that allergens are leaking into the bloodstream. Frequently this is caused by a high grain or corn based dog food. Aim for foods with lower carbohydrates, and grain free anti inflammatory diet. (no corn, wheat or rice ingredients).
- Supplement with fatty acids from seafoods such as tuna and sardine oil. Not only will these reduce inflammation but they are good for the heart and healthier skin and coat of your Shih Tzu.
- Avoid too many pest chemicals and unnecessary vaccines. Vaccines stimulate an immune response and an allergy is an over reactive response. Drinking water can contain heavy metals such as lead, fluorine and other impurities that can trigger allergies or have unwanted health effects. We use a Brita filter (the one that also removes lead) to purify the water for ourselves and our treasured pets.
- Help keep allergens off of your pets body. Allergens are consumed through food, drink or water, but they can also cling to the hair or fur of your pet. Shampoo more frequently if your dog has allergies to wash the allergens away.
- Reduce allergens in your home and in the dog’s bedding. More frequent floor washing and vacuuming, along with washing blankets and bedding can reduce these allergens. An air purifier and good quality furnace filter can also help.
Every Shih Tzu is different and has their own allergies. There are things you can do to help reduce their exposure to the things that trigger allergies, but you can’t actually cure your dog of having allergies.
So the best thing to do is identify the reason for the allergy. Consider whether it is caused by food, water, environmental, seasonal or other and then help remove those triggers to help the dog as best you can.