About Shih Tzu Boss

Shih Tzu Boss was created to provide our honest advice and experiences on foods and treats, grooming, behaviour and general Shih Tzu tips.

We are Donna and Cliff, and we are passionate dog lovers who have raised Shih Tzu pets for almost two decades. The children are grown so we are able to give lots of attention and care to our furry kids.

Cliff loves making home cooked human food grade dishes for our pets, and occasionally some home made treats. While he may be great at cooking for the dogs, Donna comes to the rescue with all the grooming, bathing, nail trimming and hair cuts.

Each of our dogs brings their own uniqueness. Let’s have a quick meet of the real all star cast, our Shih Tzu family.

Our oldest Georgie had been with us for 16.5 years. We are still sad due to his recent departure. He had a wonderful life and gave us so much enjoyment. We miss you Georgie and will allways remember you!!

Our dainty Robin is now the eldest. She decided she would be the spoiled princess, and well, what can we say… she got her way.

My boy is Tanner or Tan Tan as I like to call him. He is just a big Teddy Bear, and since he is the sturdiest, he is generally the Boss. Except when princess wants her way then he is a gentleman and bows out.

Our youngest Maisey is a sweetheart. She has the most energy and longer legs more typical of an American Shih Tzu, that are just right for running around the yard and jumping on everybody else.

There have been some health issues along the way that caused us to deep dive into the condition and treatments. Add some picky eaters and allergies but we now have healthy allergy free dogs.

Admittedly we are not vets that can give you science based information on Shih Tzu conditions or diets. What we are is seasoned dog owners with a passion for understanding our dog’s issues and diet and researching and learning to help our dogs. The information we provide is from experience, research and curation, and is offered to help you as we know your dog is as important to you as ours are to us.

Caring for and raising our Shih Tzus is tremendously enjoyable and fulfilling. We have learned a few things through experience and research, and thought it would be great if we could share our enjoyment and experiences with others.

We have worked hard on this site, and if you would like to see something else or have suggestions to make this site even better, we would love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and please stop by again!

Donna & Cliff
The Shih Tzu Boss Team